Posted: 2015-03-09
A Podio Webform is submitted and a new Lead Item is created. Since Leads can come in multiple ways, the webform submission is created in a separate App and then copied to the Lead App. Duplicates can occur and preventing these are possible with GlobiFlow
GlobiFlow can currently Search for Items using a single-line Text field or a Calculation field in Podio.
In the Leads App, Full Name, Phone, Email and Address are all set as a single line text field. When a new Item is created in the App, GlobiFlow will search a Field using the flow we set up below. If GlobiFlow finds a match, it will attach to the already created Lead. If no match is found, a new Lead Item is created.
1 - Select the App where Items will be created and start a New Flow to run on Item Create.
2 - No filters will be added as we want this flow to run on every new item.
3 - Add the Search for Items action. This search will find all items that contain the search criteria.
4 - Next, add the Sanity Check (IF) Statement action. This will check if a found Podio Item ID exists.
5 - Add the Update Collected Item action to add the relationship to the found item.
6 - Add an End (If) to close this Sanity Check (IF) Statement
7 - Then add another Sanity Check (If) Statement. This will now check that a Found Podio ID does not exist
8 - Add the Create Item Action to create the New Lead Item
9 - Close with another End (If)
Now, when a new Webform is submitted, it creates a new item in the Webform App. This triggers the workflow to check for a duplicate. When the Lead does not exist, a new Lead Item will be created.
However, if a match is found, the created Webform Item will attach to the Relationship field of the found Lead Item.